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be up to monkey business中文是什么意思

"be up to monkey business"怎么读


  • 打算胡闹
  • "up"中文翻译    adv. (superl. uppermost ) 1. ...
  • "monkey business"中文翻译    〔美俚〕狡猾的恶作剧,顽皮行为,嘲弄,胡闹,欺骗,耍花招 ...
  • "monkey business" 中文翻译 :    〔美俚〕狡猾的恶作剧,顽皮行为,嘲弄,胡闹,欺骗,耍花招。
  • "too much monkey business" 中文翻译 :    太多片人的把戏; 太多骗人的把戏
  • "put one’s monkey up" 中文翻译 :    使某人生气
  • "build up a large business" 中文翻译 :    建立一个大企业
  • "build up business" 中文翻译 :    开商店
  • "business pick up" 中文翻译 :    经济恢复
  • "drum up business" 中文翻译 :    拉生意
  • "give up a business" 中文翻译 :    放弃交易
  • "giving up business" 中文翻译 :    抛弃营业
  • "mechanism of starting up a business" 中文翻译 :    创业机制
  • "set up in business" 中文翻译 :    开始营业
  • "shut up a business" 中文翻译 :    停止营业
  • "take up business studies" 中文翻译 :    上业务课
  • "wind up business" 中文翻译 :    停止营业
  • "winding-up of business" 中文翻译 :    结束营业
  • "close up shop and stop business" 中文翻译 :    闭店; 关店歇业
  • "suspend business to bring up to standard" 中文翻译 :    停业整顿
  • "monkey" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.猴子;猿〔cf. ape〕;长毛猴的毛皮。 2.顽童;淘气精。 3.打桩锤;(制造玻璃等用的)小坩埚。 4.〔英俚〕五百英镑;〔美俚〕五百美元。 have a monkey (with the long tail) on a house [up the chimney] 〔方言〕抵押房屋。 have a monkey on one's back 为麻烦的问题等而苦恼。 have [get] one's monkey up = get a monkey on one's back 〔英俚〕生气,发脾气。 monkey money 〔美俚〕公司的临时股票;期票;外国货币。 vi. 恶戏,恶作剧,管闲事,干涉(with)。 vt. 学样,嘲弄。 monkey (about) with 〔美俚〕用…逗…玩;嘲弄;瞎搞,插嘴;打搅。 monkey with a buzz saw 〔美俚〕孤注一掷,好歹干一下。 adj. -ish 猴子似的;顽皮的。
  • "monkey with" 中文翻译 :    胡乱折腾
  • "business began to pick up towards summer" 中文翻译 :    快到夏天的时候买卖又景气起来
  • "monkey monkey" 中文翻译 :    小猴子; 最顽皮
  • "business" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.事务,业务;事,事业,行业,工作。 2.实业;商业,营业,买卖,交易;营业额,交易量;商情。 3.商店,企业,公司;事务所。 4.职责,本分;权利。 5.要事,要务;难事。 6.【戏剧】动作,表情。 7.(会议等的)议程。 business as usual 照常营业。 follow the business of 以…为业。 What line of business is he in 他是干什么的? His business is poultry farming. 他从事养鸡业。 hours of business[business hours] 营业[办公]时间。 do good [a great] business 生意好,赚钱[做大买卖]。 We shut up business at six. 我们六点钟停止营业。 depression of business商情不景气。 domestic [foreign] business国内[对外]贸易。 open a business 开店[开业]。 build [set] up a business开店,设商号。 His business is on the corner of Broadway and Elm street. 他的商号设在百老汇和埃尔姆街拐角的地方。 business centre 商业中心。 What a business it is! 实在麻烦!an awkward business麻烦事。 What is your business here 有什么事? It is none of your business. 不关你事,别管闲事。 I have business with him. 我跟他有要紧的事要谈。 It's your business to wash the dishes now. 现在该你洗碗碟了。 be doing good business with 和…关系不错。 business accounting unit 经济核算单位。 B- before pleasure. 正事要紧。 the business end 〔俚语〕(工具等)起作用的部分,使用[锐利]的一头 (the business end of a scythe 大镰刀的刀身。 the business end of a revolver 手枪的枪身)。 B- is business . 公事公办;生意是生意,交情归交情。 come [get] to business 动手做事;言归正传。 do sb.'s business = do the business for sb. 〔口语〕要某人的命(That much will be enough to do his business. 那就足够要他的命了。 This will do the business for him. 这会要他的命的)。 enter on [upon] business 开业。 Everybody's business is nobody's business . 人人负责,结果无人负责。 get down to business 认真干起来。 get [give] the business 〔美俚〕(被)粗暴地对待;(被)作弄。 go about one's business 做自己的事;〔常作命令式〕(Go about your business. 去你的,走开)。 go into business 入实业界做生意。 go out of business 停业;改行。 go to business 上班。 Good business! 干得好!妙极了! have no business to do [say] sth. 没有做[说]某事的权利[道理]。 (You have no business coming into this house. 你没有进这个屋子的权利。 The weather has no business to be so warm in winter. 冬天的气候不该这样暖和)。 know one's business 精通本行。 like nobody's business 〔口语〕特别地。 make business of 以…为业。 make a great business of it 觉得难办[棘手],甚觉麻烦。 make the business for 了结。 man of business 1. 实业家;事务家。 2. 商业[法律]代理人 (He is a man of business. 他是一个实业家。 He is her man of business. 他是她的商业[法律]代理人)。 mean business (行动、话等)是当真的(I mean business. 我是当真的,不是说笑。 By the fire in his eyes we know that he meant business. 从他愤怒的眼神中,我们看出他不是说着玩的)。 Mind your own business . 不要管闲事。 monkey business 〔美俚〕胡闹;欺骗。 on business 因公,有事,有要事(No admittance except on business. 非公莫入,闲人免进)。 out of business 破产,失业。 send sb. about his business 赶走某人;辞退[解聘]某人。 stick to one's business 专心做事。 talk business 说正经话,谈正经的。 adj. -like 1.事务式的;有条理的。 2.有效的,讲究实际的 (a business administration 有效的经营。 He did his work in a business way. 他踏踏实实地工作)。
  • "business this" 中文翻译 :    本周商业
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